Make your communication with participants more personal using "merge fields"
You can personalise communication with your ticket buyers by using so-called "merge fields".
Merge fields are variables that can be inserted in emails sent from your Ticketbutler dashboard. When the email is sent, merge fields will be replaced by order-specific information, such as the ticket buyer's name or the date of the event.
This means that you can use the Ticketbutler system to create a general email that is automatically customised for each recipient by including various personal details in the email.
How to insert merge fields
Here are step-by-step instructions on how to insert merge fields in your emails to ticket buyers:
Log in to your Ticketbutler dashboard
Click on the event
Click on the "Attendee communication" tab
Click on whichever email communication you would like to edit
Insert merge fields (see next section)
Test your email by clicking "Send as test". When you send your email, each merge field will be replaced with the corresponding information for each ticket buyer.
Merge field codes
See below for the different merge field codes (which are the first part of the text, i.e. the one in bold):
{email} - Order email
{firstname} - Order first name
{lastname} - Order last name
{fullname} - Order full name
{price} - The full price
{pdf} - The PDF URL
{comments} - Order comments
{address} - The full order address
{eventname} - The event title
{startdate} - The start date of the event
{enddate} - The end date of the event
{paid} - The payment date
{order} - The order date
{order_id} - The order ID
Why insert merge fields in your emails?
By including the ticket buyer's name and other personal information in your communication with them, you can give them a more professional and personal experience. This can help build a positive relationship between you and your customers and increase the likelihood that they will return to your future events.
In addition, you can save time and avoid mistakes in your communication, as you no longer have to manually write the same information in each email.
Still have questions? We're always here to help. Feel free to contact us at or give us a call at +45 89 80 12 80.