Sometimes ticket buyers may experience problems during the payment process. Let's go through different scenarios and solutions:
Scenario 1: Time has run out
At the top right of the checkout process, ticket buyers will see a countdown timer. If the time runs out, the buyer won't be able to complete the purchase and will have to start over.
There can be several reasons for the timer running out. Sometimes, buyers need to verify their identity using NemID or MitID. If they forgot their login credentials or don't have their security key handy, time can quickly expire.
The solution is to ask your ticket buyer to try again and ensure they complete the purchase as quickly as possible.
Scenario 2: Missing or incorrect information
It's possible that the buyer has not filled in all the required information or has entered incorrect details during the checkout process.
For example, they may have provided an invalid phone number or misspelled their email address during the process. They might also have forgotten to check the box for terms and conditions.
The solution is to ask them to try again and check that all information is filled out correctly, and that the terms and conditions have been accepted.
Scenario 3: Browser-related issues
There are various browsers available, and some are better than others.
We usually recommend Chrome, Safari, and Firefox as they are well-maintained and regularly updated. On the other hand, Internet Explorer and Edge are less stable than the aforementioned options.
The solution in this case would be to ask your customer to use another browser.
Scenario 4: Device-related issues
Ticket purchases can be made using different devices such as mobile phones, PCs, laptops, or iPads. You can suggest to your customer to try using a different device. If they don't have access to one, they could consider borrowing one from a colleague, partner, or neighbour.
Scenario 5: Payment card issues
The payment card used may be blocked or expired.
It's also possible that the ticket buyer needs to activate the "3D Secure" security solution for their credit card. You can advise them to contact their bank directly for clarification.
In the meantime, they could consider using a payment card from a partner, friend, or family member.
Scenario 6: Payment processor issues
Sometimes, technical errors may occur with the payment processor, the company handling the payment. Ticketbutler uses QuickPay and Stripe as payment processors. If you want to check if they are experiencing technical problems, you can visit the following links:
- QuickPay Status:
- Stripe Status:
If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us directly at or call us at +45 89 80 12 80. We're here to help!